Photos of Bitchin' Kitchen designs from various projects.

Malibu "Trailer" Villa Kitchen Description: Designed from the ground-up. Architecture, Interiors, Exteriors, Furniture...every inch designed from scratch. ​

Malibu "Trailer" Villa Kitchen Description: Designed from the ground-up. Architecture, Interiors, Exteriors, Furniture...every inch designed from scratch. ​

Malibu "Trailer" Villa Kitchen Description: Designed from the ground-up. Architecture, Interiors, Exteriors, Furniture...every inch designed from scratch. ​

Malibu "Trailer" Villa Kitchen Description: Designed from the ground-up. Architecture, Interiors, Exteriors, Furniture...every inch designed from scratch. ​

Malibu "Trailer" Villa Kitchen Description: Designed from the ground-up. Architecture, Interiors, Exteriors, Furniture...every inch designed from scratch. ​

Bitchin' Vintage Cottage Kitchen Budget: Limited Description: Full house remodel, interior and exterior design. A combination of vintage touches and whimsy. It also didn't hurt that our client (and friend) happened to be a truly amazing painter (with plenty of pieces to pull from) and had an incredible collection of eclectic antiques to inspire the design.